Please note there is no right or wrong way when it comes to checking out if you get the final double, but this guide will hopefully help beginners by showing them the most common ways to go as well as the safest ways.
170 – The Big Daddy of all outs T20, T20, DBull, Good luck!
167Â -T20, T19, DBull the first two darts can be interchanged.
164 -There’s two ways to take this out T20, T18, DB or T19, T19, DBull, I like the second one because it seems easier to stay in a rhythm.
161- T20, T17, DBull again these first two darts ca be switched.
160 – This is the first three dart out that can get you to a regular double, a good target number T20, T20, D40.
158 – T20, T20, D19 not a very pretty out but it’s better than T18, T18, DBull!
157- This is a classic T20, T19, D20 whenever you can shoot either of the first two darts first, I usually will pick the higher of the two.
156 – T20, T20, D18 the only way.
155 – This one’s tough a good one to avoid T20, T19, D19.
154 - T20, T18, D20, (Here’s a tip you can use in many situations, let’s say you hit a single 20 with the first dart, from 134 you might as well go back at the triple 20.And let’s say you hit a single 20 again, now you’re on 114 with one dart. Instead of going back to the triple 20, try the double bull it’s just as good as a triple 20, but a single bull gets you under 90 for your next shot (89), a much higher percentage out than 94.)
153 – T20, T19, D18. This out has you all over the board try to avoid it.
152 – Most people love this one T20, T20, D16.
151 – T20, T17, D20 or T19, T18, D20 again I like the one that starts with the higher triple.
150 – T20, T18, D18 or T19, T19, D18
149 – Another cool out T20, T19, D16
148 – T20, T20, D14 or T19, T17, D20. There are other options but these two are the best.
147 – T20, T17, D18 or T19, T18, D18
146 – T20, T18, D16 or T19. T19, D16
145Â - T20, T19, D14 this one has many other options, but this one uses the largest triples.
144 – T20, T20, D612 easy to keep your rhythm this way.
143 – T20, T17, D16 or T19, T18, D16
142 – T20, T14, D20 or T19, T19, D14 I’ve seen this taken out T20, DBull, D16 but it’s not advised.
141- T20, T19, D12 on many of these outs there are other options but remember to get yourself to 90 or less.
140 - T20, T20, D10 don’t be tempted to go at the triple 18 or 16 with the second dart trying to leave yourself on double 16 or double 8,if you stay on the 20’s you can leave yourself at 40 for your next shot.
139 – T20, T13, D20 This is the common way to take this out,but you might try T20, T19, D11 for the same reason explained in the previous out.If you miss the second triple and hit a single 19 you still have a chance to leave yourself on 40 for your next shot.
138 – T20, T18, D12 or T19, T19, D12137 – T20, T19, D10
136 – T20, T20, D8
135 – T20, T17, D12 Remember the exception discussed earlier? A first dart single bull (25) still leaves you on a two dart out. Only you can tell if two triples and one double are easier than one single bull (25), one triple and one double bull.
134 – T20, T16, D13. This has the safety valve of hitting the T8 on the second dart to leave DBull!
133 – T20, T19, D8
132 – T20, T16, D12
131-Â The most common out here is T20, T13, D16, but T19, T14, D16 has a slightly higher chance of it being taken out, because if you happen to catch a triple 7 while going at the triple 19, you are still on the two dart out 110! Take every opportunity the board gives you.
130- This is a great out T20, T20, D5 if you miss the first triple you still have another chance because 110 is a two dart out, and you go right back at the triple 20. If either of the first two darts hits the triple 20, you’re on an out!
129- This out and the next one really suck, try to avoid leaving yourself here.This is why: Our normal strategy tells us that the proper first dart is triple 19. So that if you only hit a single, you will still be on a two dart out 110! But the T19 only gets you to 72 (above 70) and you will still have to hit another triple to get to an out. A triple 20 will get you to 69 (below 70) and allow you to get to an out without having to hit another triple, but the single 20 leaves you on 109, which can’t be taken out with two darts. So you can go; T19, T16, D12, or T20, T19, D6, both have disadvantages.
128 – T18, T14, D16 or T20, T18, D7 refer to the previous out to see the disadvantages of these two options.
127 – This is as easy as it gets for a big out, T20, T17, D8. A single 20 on the first dart still leaves you on a two dart out (107). Going with the first dart T17 may give you a two dart out (110), but the T17 won’t get you to 70 or less.
126 – This is another cool out discussed earlier, T19, T19, D6. I like this one because you throw the first two darts at the triple 19, even if you hit a single with the first dart, you will be on 107, which is T19, DB. If you hit the first triple, you’ll be on 69 which is T19, D6.
125 – This is another one to avoid, T18, T19, D7 or T20, T15, D10. Look at 129 to see why both options have disadvantages. Also look at 131 to see why T19, D7 is better for a two dart 71 than T13, D16.
124 – This is another good out, T20, T14, D11. If you miss the first dart, you still have, T18, DB, if you hit the first but miss the second dart you have the DBull.
123 – T19, T16, D9, (As you can see with all these 120’s) The object is to throw the first dart at a triple that will get you to 70 or less, and, if you miss it, the single leaves you on a two dart out (100, 101, 104, 107, and 110). Then with the second dart, from 70 or less, you throw at the triple where the single leaves you on double bull if you miss.
122 – T18, T18, D7. This double 7 may look strange but this the only way a pro would go on this one.
121 – T20, T11, D14, or T17, T20, D5. Both outs will get you to 70 or less and leave you on a two dart out if you miss the first dart, but I prefer the one that starts with the higher triple.
120 – T20, S20, D20 a good one for rhythm, all you need is a triple and a single 20 with the first two darts in either order.
119 – T19, T12, D13
118 – T20, S18, D20. There is a temptation here to go at the triple 18 with the first dart, to leave yourself on 100 if you miss, but taking out a 58 with two darts is much easier than 62.
117 – This one has some interesting options: First T20, S17, D20. If you miss the first dart you still have (97) T19, D20. There is also T19, S20, D20, the advantage here is the S7 is right next to the S19, and if you miss the first dart to the left, your still on a 110 two dart out! A S5 or a S1 will kill your chances of taking it out on this turn. The disadvantage is the single 19 on the first dart leaves a difficult 98 and leaving yourself on 60 with two darts which means you take the risk of busting trying to only hit a single 20. Also stay away from the T17 on the first dart. The single 17 leaves a nice 100 two dart out but taking out a 66 with two darts is much tougher than either a 57 or 60.
116 – T19, S19, D20, this one is much like the 126 out. All you need is at least one T19 with your first two darts and you’re on an out. A single 19 on the first dart leaves; 97 T19, D20. Here is an added plus to this out… Both triples on either side of the triple 19 will also put you on a two dart out! T20, S16, D20, is also not bad, but I like being able to throw two darts at the same number if I can.
115 – T19, S18, D20 or T20, S15, D20. The advantage to the first out is, if you hit a single with the first dart, 96 (T20, D18) seems to be easier than 95 (T19, D19) for most people. The advantage to the second out is if you miss to the left with the first dart the 5 or triple 5 will also put you on a two dart out.
114 – T20, S14, D20 or T19, S17, D20 The second choice here has the advantage of still having a two dart out if you happen to catch a single 7 with the first dart.
113 – T19, S16, D20 the 3 and the triple 3 can save you here.
112 – T20, T12, D8 A single 12 with the second dart puts you on double 20. Don’t be tempted to go at the; S20, D16, when faced with a two dart 52, the triple 20 will pop up when you least expect it.
111 – T20, S11, D20 or T19, S14, D20. With this first option there is a temptation to go at the single 19 with the second dart to leave 32, but the triple 19 will bust. There is a huge difference between taking a number out with three darts as opposed to two darts.Many times it calls for a completely different strategy.From this point on I will show you both.
110 – 3 DART-OUT- T20, T10, D10, if you hit a single 10 with the second dart you’re left with double 20. As with the last two outs the single 18, Double 16 can be dangerous. (Note: Only use the Double Bull out if it’s your last dart!) Another good out is T19, S13, D20 it has a safety valve on the T19, the S3 or T3. 2 DART-OUT- T20, DBull
109 – T20, S9, D20. Both the T9 and S9 puts you on an out from 49, the T17 will bust!The advantage here is the safety valve of a missed single 5 on the first dart to give you the two dart 104. Another option is T19, T12, D8 (Hint: look at the 112 out for explanation on the two dart 52)
108 – T20, S16, D16. This is a pretty good out, the only thing that can hurt you is the triple 16 second dart. When throwing at the single 16 remember that the D16, D8, S8, and T8 all put you on an out from the two dart 48. Many people use the trick of aiming for the wire between the single 8 and single 16.
107 – 3 DART-OUT- T19, T10, D10. This out has the advantage of the missed dart 7 and 3 on the first dart to still give you two dart outs. 2 DART-OUT- T19, DBull
106 – T20, T10, D8. This one is good because it has a safety of the missed 5 on the first dart.And on the second dart, no matter if you hit in the 10 or 6 sections, you’re on an out.
105 – T20, S13, D16. This has two safety valves on the first dart.
104 – 3 DART-OUT- T19, S15, D16. This is the only shot where a miss won’t kill you.Both T20 and T18 have numbers next to them that can leave you without a two dart out. 2 DART-OUT-T18, DBull
103 – Triple 19 is the first dart here bringing you to 46, from there you can go to the easy 6-10 area of the board to guarantee a third dart out. T19, S10, D18 or T19, S6, D20.
102 – T20, S10, D16
101- 3 DART-OUT- T20, S9, D16 or T19, T12, D4. Never throw triple 17 with the first dart on a 3 dart 101, the single 2 will kill you, However, that is only a two-dart throw.
100 - T20, D20 Warning: stay away from the single 1 on the first dart, it’s a game blower.
99 – T19, S10, D16
98 – T20, D19 the only way
97 – T19, D20
96 – T20, D18
95 - T19, D19 or SBull (25), T20, D5. A S20 second dart leaves double bull. This second option is tough, but you don’t have to hit a triple, also it turns this out from a two dart out into a three dart out.
94 – T18, D20 or SB, T19, D6
93 – T19, D18 or SB, T18, D792 – T20, D16 or SB, T17, D8
91 – T17, D20 or SB, T16, D9
90 – 3 DART-OUT- T20, D15. A single 20 on the first dart gets you to 70, (T20, D5) a single 20 on the second dart gives you double bull. 2 DART-OUT- T18, D18.
89- T19, D16
88 - T20, D14. Never go triple 16 with the first dart here the single 16 won’t get you to 70 or less.
87 – T17, D18
86 – T18, D16
85 – T19, D14 or T15, D20
84 – T20, D12
83 – T17, D16
82 – T14, D20. Is the best way to go if you have only two darts in your hand. But if you have all three darts you may want to try DBull, D16 if you can at least catch a single bull, it brings you to 57, an easy S17, D20!
81- T19, D12 or T15, D18.
80 – T20, D10 or T16, D16. At this point you are an easy two single 20’s away from the double 20. Don’t be tempted to go at the T16, D16 a single 16 on the first dart means you must hit a triple or finish with a double bull. (*Personal preference. Old school tactics say that; T16, D16 leaves you a multiple finish should you miss with three darts D8, D4, D2 etc)Â
79 – The common out here is T13, D20. The higher percentage shot is T19, D11 the single 19 gets you to 60 which is far easier to take out than a 66.
78 – T18, D12 any time.
77 – T19, D10. Going at a number like T15 won’t get you to 60 or less if you only hit a single.
76 – T16, D14. No matter what you hit around T16 you are guaranteed to get to 70 or less. I used to always go T20, D8 on this one until one day in a tournament I missed and hit a single 5 with the first dart leaving 71 forcing me to hit a triple with the second dart or give my opponent three more darts. It seemed ridiculous that from 76 I was not able to get it to 70 or less after the first dart.
75Â - T17, D12.
74 – T16, D13. For the 3 dart-out this is good because all the numbers around the T16 are big enough to get you below 70. And for the two dart-out its good because the triple 8 also puts you on an out, DBull.
73 – T19, D8.
72 – T16, D12 or T20, D6.
71 – T13, D16 or T19, D7. This is because if you catch a T7, it still gets you to DBull!
70Â - T18, D8 or T20, D5
69 – T19, D6 any time.
68 – T16, D10. This is to make sure your below 60 for the second dart. 2 DART-OUT- T18, D7
67 – T17, D8. Is the only way to go with two darts, but if you have all three you may want to try T9, D20. Like the triple 16 it has all large numbers around it guaranteeing you to get below 60, a lot better than catching a 2 or a 3 going at the triple 17.
66 – T10, D18, or T16, D9. The T10 has big numbers around it or T18,D15, The single 18 leaves 48.
65- This one has many options T19, D4 or T15, D10 but probably the best one is T11, D16. The triple 11 has numbers around it that will make sure you get below 60 for the second dart. 2 DART-OUT- T15, D10
64 – T16, D8. This out has every possible advantage, even the triple 8 will put you on a D20. 2 DART-OUT- T14, D11.
63Â - T17, D6 2 DART-OUT- T13, D12
62Â - T10, D16 2 DART-OUT- T12, D13
61Â - T15, D8 2 DART-OUT- T11, D14
60Â - S20, D20
59- S19, D20
58- S18, D20
57- S17, D20
56- T16, D4
55- S15, D20
54- T14, D20
53- S13, D20 or S17, D18 This second choice is good if you only have two darts, because a miss single 3 leaves DBull! From this point on you may want to throw your first dart at a number that will put you on D16, but if you only have two darts make sure you take the route that has a safety valve.
52 – T12, D8. Stay away from the S20, D16 it’s too easy to bust.
51- S11, D20 or S15, D18. Again, the S19, D16 is too easy to bust.
50 – S10, D20. Otherwise, the classic way is S18, D16 (Don’t let the triple 18 bust you). ‘Only go at the double bull if it’s your last dart’.
49 – S9, D20 Careful here large triples like the 17 can end your shot.
48 – S16, D16. This is the only time I advise shooting near a triple that could bust you, because the safety valve is so big S16, D16 I usually aim for the wire between the 8 and 16 at the fattest part.
47 – S15, D16 or S7, D20. This has the safety valve of S19, D14 especially good for a two dart out.
46 – S6, D20 or S10, D18. S6 – S10 Segment split here! A huge target to aim at either bed leaves you a finish.
45- S13, D16 or S19, D13 this has the safety valve of S7, D19
44 – S12, D16 or S4, D20 this has the safety valve of S18, D13 or the 8 – 16 split S8, D18 or S16, D14.
43 – S11, D16 or S3, D20 use this with only two darts, it’s got a safety on each side S19, D12 or S17, D13
42 – S10, D16 or S6, D18. Again S6 – S10 split here.
41 – S9, D16
40 – D20
39 – S7, D16 or S19, D10 or S3, D18. You can’t miss with these 3 outs right next to each other. Only the T19 will stop you.
38 – D19
37 – S5, D16. Or anywhere at the bottom of the board. Remember there are 4 odd numbers in a row 7, 19, 3, 17.
36 – D18
35 – S3, D16
34- D17
33 – S1, D16 or S17, D8 here there is a safety S3, D15
32 – D16 duh!
31 – S15, D8 or the 7 through 3 area.
30 – D15
29 – S13, D8 or bottom of the board
28 – D14
27 – S19, D4 or S7, D10. This area of the board has a much better chance than S11, D8
26 – D13
25 – S17, D4 or S9, D8
24 – D12
23 – S7, D8
22 – D11
21 – S5, D8 or S17, D2
20 – D10
19- S11, D4 or S3, D8. Watch out for this one the S19 will bust.
18- D917- S9, D4. Stay away from the S1, D8 both the 20 and the 18 will bust you.
16- D8
15- S7, D4
Original article is available at
Author: Unknown